Wisconsin Biographies Project
County Coordinators Guidelines
So, you're interested in coordinating a county page for Wisconsin Biographies........ Here are the requirements for all CC's. Please read this entire page before e-mailing me:
1. Links to the following must be on every County site:
US Biographies
Biographies Data Entry Guidelines
Coordinator's E-mail
that's me!
(Linda Pingel) Linda@rockvillemama.com
2. Wisconsin Biographies logo must be
posted somewhere on the first page of your site.
The Wisonsin State logo was created by vikimouse.
Please make sure to give her a credit/link from your page.
3. US Biographies Logo must also be posted on your county web site.
4. The first paragraph on the sample page must be displayed somewhere at the county site.
5. To be announced ~ must subscribe to WI Bio mailing list. Until the mailing list is up and running, CC's will need to mail me your updates directly.
6. When you have added new biographies to your site, you need to send me the names so that I can keep the state bios index current.
7. For information on how to post biographies
see Submitting Biographies for
Other than the requirements listed above, this is your site to do with as you please!
Note: All biographies posted to any county site will be copied and archived by Wisconsin Biographies. This is needed to insure that all biographies will be freely available to everyone for a very long time! :-)
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Copyright © 2001 Linda
All rights reserved.
For problems or questions regarding this web, contact Linda