Wisconsin Biographies Project

A Part of the US Biographies Project


(state logo & sampler created by vikimouse)

In May of 1997, this project was organized by Jeff Murphy, using the established KY Biographies Project as a model.  State coordinators were sought to set up their own state project.  They were offered the system design and tools created for the KY project, but were free to set up their project in any way they chose.  I am Linda Pingel and I am the state coordinator for Wisconsin Biographies.  Volunteers are needed to enter, edit, and archive the biographies for each project.  If you have biographies you would like to donate for any Wisconsin County or if you would like to volunteer to coordinate a county, please contact me.

Would you like to help? Biographies and County Coordinators are needed!

How to submit biographies Sample County Page
County Coordinator Guidelines Wisconsin Biographies FAQ


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Before proceeding to the County Selection List, please view the Wisconsin Biographies Introduction Page. Here you will see an explanation as to the unique presentation of some of the county biographies ...... that is, additional notes provided by the submitter as well as interpretations and explanations of some of the terminology contained within the biographies. There is also a special recognition to a major contributor to the Wisconsin Biographies web site.

"A Must Read"
Wisconsin Biographies Project Introduction

Click on the County Selection List below to go to the county sites.

County Selection List


State Index to Bios On-Line


U.S. Biographies Project


Visit My Home Page

6310 Biographies now on-line

As you can see, we are in need of Volunteers!  If you are interested in coordinating a county site, or data entry, please contact me.  If you're interested in coordinating a state project, contact the U.S. Biographies Project Coordinator.

Copyright © 2001 Linda Pingel.  All rights reserved.
For problems or questions regarding this web site, contact
Linda Pingel.
Last Updated: November 1, 2009

American flag compliments of Animation Factory

Background Graphics and black & white art Courtesy of
J.O.D.'s Old Fashioned Black & White Clip Art Collection


World Trade Center
New York City, NY

September 11, 2001

A Day the World will Always Remember
A Day that Humanity will Always Mourn