

Mountain Laurel

State Flower of Connecticut


"The first settlement of this town was commenced in 1704. The first people who made settlements in the town were William Shipman, Timothy Phelps, Samuel Filer, Caleb Jones, Stephen Post, Jacob Root, Samuel Curtiss, Edward Sawyer, Joseph Youngs, and Benoni Trumbull. They were from Windsor, Saybrook, Long Island and Northampton. Hebron was incorporated as a town in 1707" (although the official incorporation date is 1708).

Excerpt from: Connecticut Historical Collections......History and Antiquities of Every Town in Connecticut......2D Ed.; John Warner Barber, 1798-1885; Publisher: Durrie and Peck and JW, 1837.


In a biography of the Jones Family of Hebron, it states as follows: "Captain Samuel Jones was a legatee of Joshua Uncas, Sachem, who willed away more land than he owned. To Capt. Jones he gave 4,000 acres. The land he gave away was divided into eighty-six shares according to quality, among the proprietors of Hebron. In 1702 this division was made. The land belonging to Capt. Jones was divided among his three sons, Samuel, Thomas and Caleb, and the agreement by which the parting of the land was made is an interesting document, and was dated April 15, 1709. It is found on page 212, Vol. II, of the Saybrook Records. Stephen Post and Samuel Curtice (spelling is per the biographical publication) were appointed to bound and determine the several lots, according to the will and the agreement of the brothers, and their report is entered on the first book of records of Hebron, folio 6, May 5, 1713."

Excerpt from: Commemorative Biographical Record of Tolland and Windham Counties Connecticut; Publisher: J.H. Beers & Co., Chicago; 1903.



The Town of Hebron in 1837: "It is bounded N. by Bolton and Coventry, W by Glastonbury and Marlborough, E. by Columbia and Lebanon, and S. by Colchester. Its average length from north to south is 9-1/2 miles, and its average breadth more than four miles. The surface of the town is uneven, being somewhat hilly and diversified, and the soil is considerably fertile. There are in the town two located Congregational societies and churches, 1 Episcopal church and 1 Methodist. The principal village in the town is 20 miles from Hartford. Hop river, a branch of the Willimantic, forms the northeastern boundary of the town. North pond, in the south part of this town, is a considerable body of water; it is situated partly in this town and partly in Colchester. A large iron furnace for castings and pig iron is now erecting near the outlet of this pond, about three miles from Hebron village. The best bed for obtaining the ore is said to be about one mile northwest of the Congregational church in Colchester. There are also in the first society, 1 woolen and 2 cotton factories, and 1 paper mill.

South View of Hebron, (central part)

The above is a representation of some of the most important buildings in the principal village of Hebron, 20 miles S.E. from Hartford. The Gothic building on the left is the Episcopal church, which is built of brick. The first dwelling house north, with four chimnies, is the residence of John S. Peters, Esq. formerly governor of the state. Gov. Peters was bred a physician, and is one of the largest landed proprietors in the town. On the right is seen in the distance the spire of the Congregational church, fronting the south, before which is a small open green. The first society contains about half the inhabitants of the town. The whole of the parish of Gilead, and about half of Andover, are within its limits, both of which have an excellent soil, cultivated by farmers. Hebron has furnished quite a number of distinguished men. Dr. Trumbull, the venerable historian of Connecticut, Gov. (John S.) Peters, Gov. Palmer of Vermont, Gov. Root of New York, and three members of Congress, Sylvester Gilbert, Daniel Burrows, and the late Daniel Buck of Vermont, were all natives of this town.

The first minister ordained in this town was Rev. John Bliss; this was in October, 1717. He declared for Episcopacy in 1734, and having laid the foundation of a society, a house of worship was erected the next year for that denomination, and Mr. Bliss preached and read service for them a number of years afterwards. The Rev. Benjamin Pomeroy, D.D. in 1735, was ordained as pastor of the church and congregation from which Mr. Bliss was dismissed. He was an ardent and zealous preacher of the gospel, of the New Light order, and a warm admirer of Mr. Whitefield, who at that time experienced much opposition in many places. Mr. Pomeroy's zeal in endeavoring to arouse his slumbering brethren, and their stupid congregations, in his vicinity, was deemed irregular, and (says Dr. Trumbull,) "a certificate was lodged against him, and, for seven years, he was deprived of his stated salary."................................"

Etching and Excerpt are taken from: Connecticut Historical Collections......History and Antiquities of Every Town in Connecticut......2D Ed.; John Warner Barber, 1798-1885; Publisher: Durrie and Peck and JW, 1837.




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Mountain Laurel Floral Image Courtesy of The Santalady

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