Connecticut Genealogy

Town of Bolton
Tolland County, Connecticut

Research Sources

Bolton Town Hall
222 Bolton Center Rd
Bolton, CT 06043
Hours - M,W,Thu 9a-4p; Tue 9a-5p, 6p-8p; Fri 9a-3p
The town hall houses all Bolton town records and Vernon records up to 1808. 
Certified copies of Birth, Marriage and Death records can be obtained for $5.
Probate records are located at town hall. 

Bentley Memorial Library
206 Bolton Center Rd
Bolton, CT 06043
(860)646-7349; fax (860)649-9059
Hours - Mon-Thu 10a-8p; Sat 10a-3p
There is a small section of local history in their reference department. 

Bolton Historical Society
Chairman, Tom Curran - (860)646-3068
Town Historian, Hans DePold - (860)646-7220 841 Hopriver Rd Bolton, CT 06043
The phone numbers for these two gentlemen are their home
numbers. They are (EST) so please be considerate if contacting them by telephone. 

Connecticut Historical Society
1 Elizabeth St
Hartford, CT 06105
(860)236-5621; fax (860)236-2664
Library Hours - 10a-5p Tue-Sat
visit them online

Connecticut Society of Genealogists
PO Box 435
Glastonbury, CT 06033-0435
Location: 175 Maple Street
East Hartford, CT 06118
visit them online

Connecticut State Library
231 Capitol Ave
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone:  860-757-6500
 Archives open 10a-4:15p Mon-Fri
Library open 9a-5p Mon-Fri
visit them online

If you have any reference material on or related to Bolton and would like to volunteer as a resource, or if you know of a Bolton link that would be appropriate to add to this site, please e-mail me with the details. Linda Pingel

When contacting a resource volunteer, please do not forget to thank them for their time and effort.

Volunteers Needed!!! Your Name & Resource Can be Listed on this Web Site

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This page was created by Linda Pingel on Aug. 28, 2004
This page may be freely linked but not copied


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This page was last updated: May 14, 2007